Monday, March 23, 2009

Catching up and Chattanooga

We are back in AL after a mostly fun week in TN. We got to rest a lot and hang out with the fam. AM had her first ear infection, Brandon got bronchitis and I'm sick now. Here's some pics from before we left and then from the trip.

Just hanging around....thanks Martins!

Ward and the band stopped by again on their way to New Orleans Enjoying some cereal and fruit

Playing some tunes

Stealing PeePaw's chair

GranJan even got to visit

4-wheelin with Daddy

Snuggling with MeeMaw

Creative Discovery Museum

Fishing with Daddy and PeePaw

She was so mad b/c the dogs kept chasing the line and they couldn't really fish.

Picking flowers with PeePaw

When she's ready to go, there's no changing her mind

Sunday, March 8, 2009

5 Months

I can't believe it's been 5 months since we became a family of four. Ann Marie has grown so much and is reaching new milestones every day. She can roll over like a champ and makes so many babbling noises that I am certain she is going to be a real talker. I think she will be sitting up on her own very soon too. She can hold herself up so well and only needs a little help. And it's uncanny how much she looks like Ellie... here are a few shots of them to compare.
AM in the big red chair (used to be blue) at 4 months.
Ellie in the big blue chair at 4 months.

Here she is at playgroup on Friday in Abby's swing.

Here she is last October in that same swing.

Her newest discovery- FEET!

Here's Ellie when she discovered hers.

Passed out on her mat after rolling over one way and being too worn out to try and roll back. It's tough being a baby around here.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow in Lower AL

Well, it wasn't much, but more than I expected. I honestly didn't think it was cold enough to snow. Our outdoor thermometer read 41 degrees. Maybe it needs an adjustment. Anyway, E and I ran around in it (she ran- I took pictures) for about 5 minutes until she was too cold. I guess we need to invest in real snowsuits before next year. Lucy didn't know what to think. She ran outside and then spazzed a little and came back in. She is really getting nutty in her old age. AM was asleep through all the excitement.

Trying to catch snowflakes.
I just love this one with her hands in the pockets.

I finally got her to look at me and smile at the same time.

Catching flakes on her tongue.