Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Special Pics

Here are some MUCH better pictures from this past weekend. Brandon's dad's cousin's husband Bill took them. He is a pro as far as I am concerned. I like to think that if I had a fancy camera, my pictures would be this good, but I doubt it.

**Warning-- there is a giant belly in 2 of the following pictures. **

Graduation pic actually close up enough to see Forrest's face :)
The actual Green Beret
The happy couple. Ashby and Forrest
The whole Payne crew.
Belly Alert! This shirt will clearly not fit for much longer. (Or the pants for that matter.)

1 comment:


Yea Forrest - congrats. And, wowzers the baby's showing up a whole lot more than lately! She's ready, isn't she? ;-)